How To Lose Arm Fat?

 Millions of women struggle to lose fat from their arms these days. Are you in a war with your flabby arms too? Fat arms are caused by sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, the body’s metabolic rate, medical issues, or even your genes. To address this problem you have to work extra hard on your triceps and biceps and lose overall weight from your body to get the desired result.


Factors that determine how quickly you will lose the extra pounds from your arms are food, exercise, and lifestyle. In this article, you will know:


  • The best 28 arm exercises to trigger the weight loss
  • The best foods to eat while planning to lose weight and
  • The best lifestyle to follow to prevent regaining the weight


1. Cardio


You can go for cardiovascular exercises to lose weight faster. Cardiovascular exercises such as walking, running, swimming, aerobics, cycling, rope jumping can be very effective in burning the calories.


It is recommended to do around 20 minutes of cardio workout 3-4 times a week. The duration of the workout should be increased gradually up to 30-45 minutes, and the frequency to 5-6 times a week as your endurance increases.


2. Push-Ups


Heavy lifting is very beneficial to strengthen your arms. However, most of us are not used to lifting heavy weights. As a result, doing push-ups becomes difficult, particularly for women.


You can start off by holding weights on your hands and knees instead of your hands and toes. Knee push-ups are a great exercise for beginners. Apart from these, you can resort to open push-ups with your arms placed wider than the width of your shoulders, or closed push-ups, where the arms placed close together.


3. Weightlifting


Exercising with weights also helps in losing fat from the arms. You can start off with light weights of about 2 to 3 pounds, and gradually move on to heavier weights. Weight lifting strengthens the muscles of your arms.


  • Stand erect and hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands.
  • Keeping your body straight, squat and bend your arms at the elbows.
  • Come back to the original position. Repeat.


This will keep your arms toned.


4. Triceps Kickback


This exercise tones the back of the arms.


  • Rest your left knee on a bench.
  • Keeping the dumbbell in your right hand, raise it towards the ceiling. Ensure that your back is straight throughout the workout.


5. Plank Moving


This is effective in working the upper arms along with the core.


  • Get down to the planking position on a stability ball with your chest and arms on the ball and the toes on the floor.
  • Lift your body up so that the weight of the upper body is on your arms.


This also helps in strengthening your body.


6. Scissors


This exercise resembles a pair of scissors being opened and closed. It enables you to lose arm weight fast.


  • Stand erect and stretch your arms straight in front of you at shoulder height.
  • Keeping them straight, stretch them to the side and bring them back to the front to enable your right arm to overlap your left.
  • Stretch them again, and bring them back to make your left arm overlap your right.
  • This should be repeated at least 20 times.


7. Triceps Dips


Triceps dips are very effective in toning the back of your arms.


  • Sit on the edge of a chair with both your hands gripping the chair and your feet on the floor a few feet from and facing away from the chair.
  • Keeping your legs straight, slide off the chair such that you are supporting your body weight with your arms. Slowly lower your body to reach a 90-degree angle at your elbows.
  • Now, lift your body back by squeezing the muscles in the back of your arms. Initially, you should keep your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent. But as you keep practicing and gain upper body strength, you can try doing it with your legs extended out in front.
  • Perform 8 to 9 repetitions.


8. Triceps Press


  • Start off by standing or sitting in a chair.
  • Keep your back straight and lift a dumbbell of about 3 to 5 lbs over your head.
  • Bend your elbow such that the weight ends up behind your head.
  • After this, straighten your elbow to return to the starting position. Repeat a few times.


This is a much-recommended exercise to tone the arms.


9. Biceps Curls


  • Stand straight and hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand.
  • Keeping your body straight and your palms facing up, slowly curl up both your arms by bending them at the elbows such that your biceps are fully flexed.
  • Your elbows should be kept close to your sides while doing this exercise.
  • Hold this position for a second. Then, slowly lower your weight to the starting position. Repeat several times.


10. Diagonal Raises


This exercise helps in toning your shoulders.


  • Stand erect and hold the dumbbell with your right arm.
  • Place your right arm across your body in front of you, near your left hip.
  • Keeping your arm straight, slowly raise it in front of you and diagonally across your body such that it is fully extended above your right shoulder.
  • Slowly lower your arm to your left hip.
  • Repeat this exercise with your left arm.


11. Dumbbell Bent Over Reverse Flies


This exercise aims at toning your arms, shoulders, and back.


  • Stand straight with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Bend forward at the waist, making your torso almost parallel to the floor. You can try to bend forward as far as possible.
  • With a dumbbell in each hand, keep your arms straight and pointing towards the floor.
  • Keeping your arms straight, slowly raise them away from each other towards the ceiling.
  • Reach up to the position where your arms are even with your shoulders and stop there.
  • Slowly lower your arms and repeat.


12. Upright Row


This exercise works on your upper back, shoulders, and biceps.


  • Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand straight with your feet hip-distance apart.
  • Keep your core muscles engaged and lift your elbows to bring them at the level of your shoulders. Bring the weights together and up to your chest level.
  • Lower the weights to the starting position and repeat.


13. Chest Press On Ball


This exercise works on your triceps, shoulders, chest, core muscles, glutes, and legs.


  • Position yourself on a ball such that your upper back and head are supported on the ball while your lower body is supported by the legs in a bridge position with your hips lifted.
  • Bend your elbows and bring the weights to your chest.
  • Press the weights towards the ceiling and straighten your arms, squeezing the chest muscles.


14. Opposite Arm And Leg Lift


This exercise strengthens your arms and legs, while stretching your back. Thus, it involves all the four limbs of your body.


  • Extend your right arm forward and stretch your left leg back at the same time and flex your foot. Hold this position for 5 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position and perform the move with your left arm and right leg. That counts to one repetition.
  • Perform 10 to 15 repetitions.


15. Pullovers With Dumbbells


This exercise aims at working out your biceps and triceps.


  • Lie on an exercise bench or a large couch cushion with 5 or 8-pound dumbbells in both hands. Extend your arms over your chest.
  • Now, lower the weight slowly behind your back and return the weight to the starting position.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.


16. Push-Up On A Ball


You need to learn to balance yourself on a ball before trying this exercise. Maintaining stability is also very important.


  • Lie on your abdomen on an exercise ball and place your hands forward on the floor until the ball rests under your thighs.
  • Now, bend your elbows and pull your navel in towards your spine.
  • Lower your upper body to the floor and hold this position for 3 seconds.
  • Then, push up such that your elbows are straight, but not locked. Your head should be in line with your spine, and your abs must be engaged.
  • Start off by doing 5 repetitions and gradually move on to 15.


17. Plank Arm Row And Rotate


This exercise for arms works out your biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, upper back, and abs.


  • Assume the push-up position and balance your body on your hands and toes. Ensure that your body forms a straight line from the head to the heels.
  • Move your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Keeping your hips level, lift your left hand off the floor and bend your left elbow behind you to bring your hand next to your shoulder.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this move by rotating your torso to the right such that your left elbow points up.
  • Then, return to the starting position. This counts to one repetition. Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions, alternating sides.


18. Kickback With A Twist


This exercise is best for getting firm and sleek triceps.


  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and your arms by your sides. Hold a 5 to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand.
  • Keeping your back straight, bend your legs slightly and lean forward such that your torso is almost parallel to the ground.
  • Now, raise your elbows to make your lower arms even with your back. Ensure that your elbows are bent to 45-degree angles with your palms facing each other.
  • While your upper arms are still, extend both hands behind you and rotate your wrists such that your palms are up.
  • After this, turn your palms back to make them face each other and bend your elbows to bring the weights back towards your body.
  • This completes one repetition. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.


19. Pilates Press


This exercise targets the triceps and biceps, shoulders, the back, chest, and abs.


  • Assume the push-up position and balance your body on your hands and toes. To make it easier, you can keep both your knees on the floor.
  • Now, bend the knees at 90 degrees so that your toes are pointing up.
  • Keeping your arms close to your body, bend your elbows directly behind you. While doing so, lower only a few inches towards the floor and press back up.
  • Perform 8 to 10 repetitions and switch legs to complete one set. You are required to do 2 sets.


20. Triceps Swing


  • Lie on the floor with your face up and knees bent. Hold a 5 lb dumbbell in each hand. Keep your hands a few inches off the floor.
  • With your arms straight, raise your left arm over the chest while keeping the right arm overhead.
  • Lower it to the starting position and repeat.
  • Do 15 repetitions with your left arm. Repeat this move with the right arm. Try doing 2-3 sets.


21. Dip Kick


This exercise is great for working your shoulders, upper back, and triceps.


  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent.
  • Lean your torso back at an angle of 45 degrees, placing your palms on the floor under the shoulders with the fingers facing out.
  • Bring the left knee to your chest and place the left foot on the right knee.
  • Bend your elbows directly behind you and lift your hips a few inches.


22. Shadow Boxing


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your knees soft and your core engaged.
  • Staying in this position, punch across your body, doing 15 repetitions on each side.
  • For upper cuts, start off with your arms bent at a 90-degree angle, and punch upwards across your chest. Do 15 repetitions on each side. You can add weights to increase intensity.
  • This exercise should be performed at least 2 to 3 times with 15 to 20 repetitions each.

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