The Health Indicator: 10 Tongue Signs That Can Indicate Underlying Health Issues

 The tongue has historically been used to diagnose symptoms of illnesses in a person’s body. Chinese medicine has used the tongue to tell whether or not the body is healthy. The color and appearance of the tongue can speak volumes about our well-being.


Traditional Chinese Medicine has long used the body’s symptoms to balance the yin and the yang within it. Therapeutic and calming, this form of medicine not just diagnoses the problem, but also provides a solution to it that is organic and conducive to the health and wellness of our chakras.


Colors and patterns on the tongue can be indicative of an unhealthy lifestyle, irregular eating pattern, bowel issues, and so on. Not taking note of these signs early on can lead to the illness being diagnosed at a much later stage when it will be difficult to cure.


Here are ten things that you should keep in mind while you check your tongue the next time:


1. Bloodless, pale appearance


The natural color of your tongue is pink with a slight white covering. In the event that your tongue displays a pale tone and appears to be bloodless, you should check with a doctor. A pale tongue is a signifier of an incoming cold, or even flu, sometimes. It can also indicate iron deficiency.


2. Redness


If you see your tongue shooting up a shade or two and appearing redder, know that your body needs cooling. A red tongue is indicative of inflammation and should be addressed immediately by eating foods like watermelon, cucumbers, and so on. This is an effect of the yin deficiency in your body.


3. Color becoming purple


When the body has a lot of heat within it, the tongue might have a restrictive flow of blood causing it to turn reddish purple. In such a situation, respiratory tract illnesses may be the reason. Checking with the doctor always helps you understand the problem better.


4. Bluish purple tongue


The shade of blue is due to the stagnation of the flow of blood in the tongue. The shade, if it spreads to the whole tongue, shows the presence of pathogenic virus. If your tongue is blue in patches, it may be due to irregular blood flow to those parts. The only solution to this can be regulating the blood flow in the body. This can be done only through targeted exercise.


5. Thick white covering developed


If a thick and white covering develops on your tongue, it is often a sign of problems being experienced in bowel movements. A change in dietary plans can solve this issue soon.


6. Irritability


If your tongue becomes red, splotchy, dry, and irritable, all of these are signs of a dehydrated tongue. Drink a lot of water to hydrate yourself and relieve your body.


7. Abnormalities of specific parts


Specific parts of the tongue are indicative of illnesses or healthiness of certain organs. The tongue tip indicates the heart and the forward zone connects to the lungs. The central part connects to the spleen or stomach while the sides connect to the gallbladder. The back connects to the smaller internal organs. Keeping a check on these specific areas could actually ensure that you learn about any abnormalities before it’s too late.


8. Puffed-up tongue


Signs of puffiness in the tongue could either be a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle, or of thyroid, both of which need urgent rectification. Consume vegetable roughage to reduce puffiness, but in the event of not being able to reduce swelling within a couple of days, visit a doctor to get your thyroid levels tested.


9. Teeth and tongue


If the teeth are leaving impressions on your tongue, it shows a lack of vitality in your body, which could be caused by multiple reasons. Check for stomach related problems first, as they are the most likely to affect one.


10. Check for abnormalities


When you see the cracks in your tongue getting nearer to each other, then it can indicate a hormonal problem. In Chinese medicine, it shows insufficient yin energy.


The tongue is prone to showing the symptoms earlier than other organs. So, checking the tongue for changing hues, disfigurations, and odd colorations, regularly, is a good way of keeping germs and diseases at bay. At least, you can learn about them affecting you in advance.


Oral health is absolutely essential to our body. Make sure you take care of these pointers mentioned above to stay fit and healthy!

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