How to Get Rid of Cellulite Fast Naturally

 Ah, cellulite. The fat deposits underneath your skin rearing their heads in a not-so-pretty dimpling effect, making your legs and butt look like cottage cheese. Yum.


Good news is that there are a few very simple methods for a quick cellulite fix. Read on for the top natural home remedies to get rid of cellulite fast.


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1. Body wrap


DIY-ing a body wrap properly, not only helps reduce the appearance of cellulite, but provides other health benefits such as:


  • detoxing your body
  • losing water weight
  • tightening and nourishing your skin


2. Top foods


If you want to treat the problem from the inside, you need to give your body the proper nutrition and provide it with the right foods to repair your body. Here's the list of top 10 anti-cellulite foods:


  • watermelon - high water content to hydrate skin
  • pineapple - anti-inflammatory, boost circulation, promotes collagen production to repair skin
  • blueberries - collagen protection
  • eggs - contains ingredient important in skin tissue repair
  • spinach - rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory
  • tomatoes - protects skin from sun and other types of damage
  • flax seed* - healthy oil that helps skin retain water
  • brazil nuts* - protects skin elasticity
  • white tea - helps keep skin firm and smooth


3. Foam roller


Use a foam roller* to do these four exercises over a period of time:


  • roll on back of thigh
  • roll on front of thigh
  • roll with legs in a figure 4 position
  • inverted tush roll


Spending just 10-15 minutes a day with these four exercises will reduce the appearance of cellulite, since the roller helps to break down the dense deposits that are showing underneath your skin.


4. Coconut oil


There are a bunch of ways to use coconut oil* to help you break down the cellulite, the easiest being the direct application of the oil on your skin. By massaging the oil into the affected areas, the oil gets absorbed, breaks down the fatty deposits. Another plus is that the oil helps to make your skin more smooth and supple.


5. Coffee scrub


From the same article above, a simple scrub made from coffee grounds*, brown sugar, and coconut oil will help exfoliate the skin and also increase blood flow. You can expect to see results in 1-2 weeks.


6. 5-minute workout for thighs and bum


Here's an easy cellulite workout at home. Just spend 5 minutes a day to do the following:


  • 15-20 reps wall plie squat
  • 10 each leg single leg deadlift
  • 15 each leg one-legged bridge
  • 12 each leg step up with kick
  • 15 each leg donkey kick with dumbbell
  • 12 each leg side lunge with leg lift


7. Weekly workout plan


Blast cellulite and trim fat by doing this 7-exercise workout routine 3 times a week:


  • Jumping Jacks
  • Reverse Lunges
  • Lying Leg Raises
  • Side Leg Raise
  • Step Ups
  • Toe Taps
  • Body Weight Squat




There you have it: 7 easy, natural home remedies to get rid of cellulite fast. Giving the body proper nutrition and exercise are what it takes, and based on these quick cellulite fixes, it isn't difficult at all to keep cellulite at bay.

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