The Only 4 Natural Remedies You Need To Grow Back Receding Gums and Remove Tartar Buildup Fast

 There are a lot of reasons why gums recede and it can become quite a health problem if this happens. If you are experiencing receding gums then you have found a great article to read. In this article you will find 4 of the best home natural remedies to help grow back your receding gums. Your gums are not something you should ignore, especially if you are noticing some problems like receding.


Here are some of the remedies on how to grow back receding gums.


The situation of receding gums happens when the tissue of the gum around the teeth corrodes and it looks like your gums recede backwards. Then a large surface of the teeth is exposed and more visible. When the gums go back, the space between the gum line and the teeth rises. That is perfect place for bacteria growth. Another problem that may happen is over exposure of the root of the tooth that can lead to extreme pain and sensitivity of the tooth. It will also have a negative influence over the structure and bone of the tooth that can cause losing of the tooth. receding-gums




This is a very common problem and most of the people who suffer from it do not notice the problem. The reason is because the process is slow and happens gradually. Remember to check your gums if you teeth have become very sensitive. That is one of the first signs. Another indicator is the size of you tooth: if it is larger than before then you need to treat the problem because it is a sign of receding gums. Other symptoms may be:


  • Tooth pain/ache
  • Larger tooth than before
  • Tooth sensitivity


What causes receding gums?!


It might be a gum disease, but it can be caused by other reasons such as:


1. Periodontal diseases. That means bacterial infection in the gums. They cause damage to the supporting bone of the tooth and the gums, followed by other problems.


2. Lack of oral hygiene. If you skip teeth brushing and flossing you might build up plague on the teeth. That can lead to calculus which is a hard substance which can lead to gum recession.


3. Aggressive brushing. It is the complete opposite of brushing teeth on regular basis. If you brush your teeth aggressively then the enamel on your teeth will be destroyed and this will lead to receding gums.


4. Sometimes you will blame the genes. In this case you cannot change a lot about your problem.


1- Green tea


Green tea has an abundance of health benefits. It is full of antioxidants that fight the free radicals that can cause periodontal disease which can lead to receding gums. One of the antioxidants in green tea is catechins and it helps in destroying any periodontal disease. This antioxidant can strengthen the connection between the gums and teeth. Its anti-inflammatory properties will lower the swelling of the gums that cause oral diseases.


How to use it:


Every morning drink 1 cup of green tea.


2- Aloe Vera


We present you another ingredient that can help you with your gum problem. It is aloe vera and it has many health benefits and most of them are connected with skin problems. The reason is because aloe vera has many anti-inflammatory properties and repairing capabilities. In cases of receding gums, aloe vera will fight against inflammation and will turn on the cells which are very important for repairing of the tissues. It will prevent other infections, due to its antibacterial properties.


How to use it:


Use the gel from aloe vera for your gums problem. There are 2 ways. The first one is to use aloe vera gel like a mouthwash and for brushing.


Once you have flossed and brushed, put some aloe vera gel and once again brush the gums and teeth. This should last around 3 to 5 minutes. Then rinse your mouth thoroughly.


The other way is to use it as a mouthwash. Once again after you brush your teeth take a little bit of aloe vera gel and dissolve it in some water. The consistency should be good enough for you so you can swirl it through your mouth. Do this every day after brushing.


3- Oil pulling


One of the most effective treatments for receding gums is oil pulling. It also helps with other oral diseases and it is mostly known for healing cavities. Sesame oil has many health benefits and anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce plague buildups and destroy the toxins in your mouth. The sesame oil will form a protective layer over your teeth and it will reduce the chances of plague building. You can also use this method for improving the absorption of healthy nutrients in your body.


How to use it:


Take sesame oil and warm it up. Do not overheat the oil. You only need to warm it. Then brush your teeth and take sesame oil in your mouth. Gargle it and swirl it around your mouth. Do this for a few minutes. If you are not familiar with this process you can start with 30 seconds to 1 minute and once you get used to the procedure increase the time. The goal is 15 to 20 minutes.


4- Lemon


Lemons are known for their antiseptic and antibacterial properties. The lemon can stimulate the growth of receding gums. It will also destroy the bad breath.


Lemons are acidic and remember that too much of them can destroy the enamel on your teeth. Do not use lemon oil every day. It should be used only one time in week. If you want you can make homemade lemon oil and you will not have to worry about that.


Homemade lemon oil:


You will need:


  • ¼ to ½ cup of olive oil
  • ½ to 1 freshly squeezed lemon juice


Directions: put the olive oil in a jar and add the lemon juice. Cover and shake it well. Leave the mixture for a couple of weeks. Remember to shake the jar every day. After three to four weeks you can start and use the oil.


How to use it:


Apply little bit of lemon oil on your fingers and massage your gums for a couple of minutes. Do this method not more than 2 times in a week.


Tips for preventing gum recession


It is better to prevent the problem then to cure it. If you see how many people have problems with receding gums then it is time to take some precautions. This way you will prevent other oral diseases as well. We will give you some tips that can help you to take better care of your gums and mouth.


4 Ways To Remove Teeth Plaque At Home Naturally


Maintaining good oral health is important for overall health and confidence, and plaque is a common problem. Plaque turns to tartar when left alone, it’s formed by accumulated bacteria in your mouth. You may notice it as a hard yellowish layer, also called calculus, on your teeth. Removing tartar usually requires a visit to your dentist, however you can remove it at yourself at home using natural remedies.


1. Baking soda


This is the most well-known and often used tool for removing plaque. Simply pour a little baking soda into a small container, wet your toothbrush, put some baking soda on it and brush. You can mix a pinch of salt into the baking powder for more cleansing power. This removes tartar effectively for pennies.


You can even make your own mouthwash: You will need one-half cup baking soda, one cup water, 10 drops essential lemon oil, 4 teaspoons vegetable glycerin, and 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel. Mix all the ingredients and store in a bottle, use once or twice a day.


Update: Although in this recipe we used vegetable glycerin and almost-all commercial toothpastes use glycerin, many natural dentists say this glycerin film on teeth can prevent the teeth from being able to remineralize and therefore, it’s weakening your teeth.


2. Strawberries and Tomatoes


Strawberries and tomatoes have good quantities of vitamin C which is excellent for oral health. Rub these fruits directly onto your teeth and let sit for 5 minutes, this will soften any tartar build-up. Then rinse your mouth with baking soda mixed with warm water to remove plaque, leaving you clean pearly whites. You canalso use other vitamin C rich foods like bell peppers, berries, lemons, papaya, oranges, and lime the same way.


3. Food Coloring


Using food coloring is a great way to spot plaque on your teeth. First dab a little petroleum jelly to your lips to prevent staining, take a couple drops of food coloring in a teaspoon of water and swish it around your mouth. Spit it out and rinse with clear water. Look for colored areas and remove them with your toothbrush. When performing regular brushing pay special attention to those areas of your mouth.


4. Cheese


Eating an ounce of an aged cheese, like Swiss or Cheddar, before meals helps neutralize the acids that affect plaque production. More aged, fragrant cheeses work best. explains that a component in aged cheese acts as a buffering agent. The Student Care Center at the University of Chicago suggests eating raw peanuts for the same effect, neutralizing acids in the mouth and re-mineralizing teeth.


Besides these remedies there are a few other things you can implement into your oral health regimen:


  • Brushing teeth regularly with a soft brush using vertical strokes. Concentrate on the space where teeth and gums meet.
  • Floss regularly to remove food particles and bacteria between your teeth.
  • Eating spicy food will also help keep your mouth clean. When you eat spicy food it stimulates your salivary glands, that saliva cleans your mouth naturally.
  • Rub an orange peel on your teeth before going to bed and do not rinse off. This will help your teeth fight bacteria.
  • Quit smoking, tobacco products contain tar that sticks to your teeth which results in plaque buildup.

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