The heart is the most important muscle in your body. Even though we all know that we can’t compromise when it comes to the heart’s health, there are some bad habits that we have which damage the organ even though we are not aware.
You must have heard that smoking, over consuming alcohol, stress, and family history are risk factors for cardiac diseases. However, there are more mundane habits that have a bed effect on the heart’s functions.
1. You don’t floss
You might be surprised but good oral hygiene is good for the teeth as well as for the heart. The risk of heart diseases among people that have gum trouble is higher than among those who have healthy teeth.
In addition to brushing, you should also floss as a part of your everyday dental hygiene.
2. You love salty food
You haven’t even tried the food yet you are already looking for the salt shaker? A lot of people find salty food delicious, however salt is a great enemy to your health. It leads to increased blood pressure, which can result in increasing the risk of a heart attack. Control the amounts of salt you put and if possible use other spices.
The maximum amount of salt an adult should consume is about 6 grams or 1 teaspoon. Processed food contains a lot of salt, so make sure you read the product’s labels.
3. You spend time in front of the TV
Maybe the movie marathons you do might seem as a fun choice to spend time, it is fact that the periods you spend in front of the TV are bad for your heart. Sitting increases the risk of a heart attack because the lack of movement has a negative effect on the fats and sugars in the blood.
Be more physically active, and if you have an office job use every opportunity to stand up and move around.
4. You sleep too little or too much
Sleeping too little during the week and then trying to make up for it during the weekend? You should know that that habit bothers the heart.
Choosing one out of the two extremes is a recipe for high blood pressure and increasing the levels of the stress hormone in the organism, thus leading to heart diseases.
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