Here Is How To Kill The Bacteria That Causes Heartburn And Bloating

 The Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that targets the digestive system. It produces Cytoxan, that causes the development of stomach ulcers and even cancer.


It destroys the stomach lining and can easily enter the body through the consumption of contaminated foods and water.




The Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that targets the digestive system. It produces Cytoxan, that causes the development of stomach ulcers and even cancer.


It destroys the stomach lining and can easily enter the body through the consumption of contaminated foods and water.


These are its most common symptoms:


  • Diarrhea
  • Heartburn
  • Anemia
  • Halitosis
  • Appetite loss
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Tiredness
  • Stomach bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Belching
  • Stomachache
  • Abdominal discomfort


Its presence can be diagnosed by performing some of these tests and procedures:


  • Physical exam- The doctor examines the stomach to check for pain, tenderness, bloating, and listen for sounds within the abdomen
  • Blood test
  • Stool test- A stool sample is checked to signs of the bacteria in the feces
  • Breath test- You will need to swallow a preparation containing urea, which, in case you have the bacteria, releases an enzyme that breaks down the combination and releases carbon dioxide
  • Endoscopy- This procedure involves the insertion of a long, thin instrument called an endoscope into the mouth and goes down into the stomach and duodenum. The doctor receives images on a monitor done by an attached camera. The doctor might even take samples using special tools.

Fortunately, in case you are diagnosed with it, you should know that it can be destroyed in a natural way, with the help of various natural remedies, such as:


Cranberry Juice


Drink a glass of 100% natural cranberry juice every morning to destroy it.


Oregano oil


It contains a chemical, carvacrol which destroys the cell membranes of bacteria and stops them from replicating, but does not affect the healthy bacteria.


Manuka Honey


Take a tablespoon of Manuka honey on an empty stomach in the morning to treat the infection.


Black Seeds


They neutralize the acids in the stomach, eliminate this bacterium from the body, and protect the gastrointestinal tract.




Garlic is the strongest natural antibiotic, so consume it crushed and raw to treat H.Pylori.




It has powerful anti anti-inflammatory, antimutagen, and antioxidant properties that eradicate h. pylori infections.




Propolis contains more than 300 compounds that prevent the spread and growth of bacteria.




Increase the intake of probiotics in order to treat H.pylori.


Green Tea


Drink green tea during the day to soothe the mucosal inflammation, and destroy the bacteria.


Broccoli Sprouts


The broccoli sprouts are high in a powerful antioxidant sulforaphane that detoxifies the body and eliminates bacteria. It also treats gastritis and repairs the damage done by NSAIDs.


Furthermore, follow these additional diet tips:


Avoid spicy foods and soda


Avoid pickled foods


Increase the intake of cruciferous veggies


Limit the intake of caffeinated drinks


Drink purified water


Increase the consumption foods rich in omega-3 fats


Consume more strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, and blueberries


Avoid low-fiber grains


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