Ginger water for weight loss. Lemon ginger water recipe

 L​ooking for a perfect source for health care? There are lots of useful low-calorie drink recipes containing ginger. The most popular is ginger water.


I think you’ll agree with me when I say:


Fighting with overweight is a difficult task for many people. Everybody wants to lose weight fast and not making special efforts.


Fortunately, there is a solution!


It is ginger – a very useful product not only for losing extra kilos but also for health improving. As Melinda Ratini reports on, it will help regulate the sugar level and speed up the digestion process.


Recipe: ginger water with lemon


1. Light variant


If at the beginning the taste seems sharp for you, you can put some additions to your drink.


For example: a spoonful of honey, a slice of lemon or orange, a piece of apple, a sprig of mint or melissa, a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla, crushed grains of cardamom or black pepper, etc.


All components except honey can also be put for steaming, along with the crushed root.


Ginger Water for weight loss


It is necessary to consume it daily in the morning on an empty stomach. But it is possible at another time of the day. It will not lose his properties. Then the results may be noticeable already in the medium term. Do not despair and do not throw everything “halfway” if you do not see instant results.




  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 5 tablespoons of grated ginger
  • Juice of 2 lemons




  • Put the water on fire. When it boils, add ginger.
  • Let it cook for 1-2 minutes and remove from heat.
  • Let it cool for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the contents, add lemon juice. The drink is ready!


2. Cold ginger infusion


Among the hundreds of recipes, a cold brew is unique.


However, it is prepared even easier.


Everything you want to get good and tasty beverage is placed in a jug and filled with cool meltwater. It can be mineral or filtered water. Then left on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 12 hours


Proportions are selected individually. But do not exceed 1-2 tbsp. on 1 l of water.


3. Coffee-ginger fantasy


If you can not imagine your life without caffeine, take a spoonful of ground coffee. Add the rest of the components, grated on a grater, and cook on a low fire. The taste is unusual but interesting.


4. Salty ginger water


It is for those who don’t like to regularly drink sweet drinks.


You can make a salty ginger drink by adding a pinch of sea salt, freshly ground colored pepper, garlic and other ingredients to the mix.


What’s more:


You can even prepare such a salty-sharp concentrate and pour the whole mixture with kefir. After 10 minutes, this nourishing and healthy drink can even be used for snacks between main meal.

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