Essential Oils for Skin (Anti Aging Drops of Youth)

 ONE essential oil can make an impact on your skin. On this list of essential oils for skin (anti-aging) I go through each and every oil for mature skin so you can find the perfect one for you.


I’ve been formulating skincare for a while now (and have appropriate skincare and aromatherapy courses under my belt!) and I’ve added all the essential oils mentioned below into my moisturizers and serums. Many people in my home town know me and keep using my products again and again.


In as little as one month they’ve seen MASSIVE improvements:


  • Facial lines have diminished CONSIDERABLY
  • Dark spots that have DISAPPEARED
  • A much more TONED complexion
  • Illuminated skin
  • An overal healthy glow that others notice


They keep telling me these things and more, again and again and again. At this point I know that there’s ONE essential oil that is doing the trick for them (I don’t use the really expensive essential oils like rose, neroli or jasmine for obvious reasons although I’ll be making a range for my mum with rose absolute soon).


The essential oil that is doing the trick is FRANKINSENCE.


One Month to See Differences


In general, the skin takes around 28 days to renew and when we get older around 45 to 60 days. I wasn’t expecting results for a while but people saw very visible results within a month of trying my products on a daily basis.


I can’t really speak for myself because I try everything all the time (for my own pleasure and because I try what I make for people) and there are too many essential oils and other ingredients on my skin for me to be able to give an accurate diagnosis. But they have.


If you have any of the below mentioned oils at home and haven’t used them for a while go and get them from your drawer. First check if they’re still good (expiry date). If not good, put on the side for use on DIY cleaning products.


If they’re good, you can use them in the following ways:


Add NO MORE than 1% drops to your daily/night moisturiser. Just weight your moisturiser on a separate container, add up to 1% drops of one ore more of the below essential oils, mix well and you can place back in the jar. Hygiene is important! Use gloves and disinfect with alcohol 70 if possible. Use these scales for measuring and these bowls as containers. This information I learned on my Formula Botanica course and on my Neal’s Yard Remedies course.


Mix your chosen essential oil or oils with a carrier oil of your choice. For mature skin I HIGHLY recommend macadamia carrier oil.


Facial oil or moisturizer? Try both! In the morning use the moisturizer with your chosen essential oil(s). At night use the carrier oil mixed with your preferred essential oil(s) from the list below. EASY. The important thing is that you stick with your chosen essential oil(s) to check the difference over time. Just stick with the same one(s)!


Show Me the Oils!


Here you go (source: Neal’s Yard Remedies, an U.K. brand I ADORE. I don’t trust online resources and I only go by what I’ve learend at proper courses or places I personally go to with have VERY HIGH REPUTATION!!!)


Wendy Polisi, whom I’ve known for a while (online), recommends on her website Plant Therapy and I very much trust her judgement. I’ve linked to Plant Therapy for most of the oils (yes, I will get the commission) because unfortunately Neal’s Yard Remedies is wayyy too costly in the U.S. in my opinion. But you can check them out here. The rest of the oils I’ve gone for brands I’ve checked before hand many times myself. I use at home Naturally Thinking and Neal’s Yard Remedies (I’m in Europe so it’s easier for me).


  • Organic Frankincense anti-aging essential oil – check
  • Organic Ylang-ylang anti-aging essential oil – check
  • Neroli anti-aging essential oil – check
  • Palmarosa anti-aging essential oil – check
  • Jasmine anti-aging essential oil (2.5ml) – check
  • Organic Lavender anti-aging essential oil – check
  • Chamomile anti-aging essential oil – check
  • Patchouli anti-aging essential oil- check
  • Rose anti-aging essential oil (5ml) – check (when checking rose essential oil make sure it’s NOT rose fragrance but pure, rose absolute!)
  • Organic Sandalwood anti-aging essential oil (5ml) – check price (when checking sandalwood essential oil make sure it’s NOT from India!! Mine comes from Australia).


Some of the above oils will be more expensive than others because we’re talking about floral essential oils that are much more expensive than, let’s say, citrus oils (where usually the oil is taken from the peel). Absolutes are also expensive. This is like liquid gold in your hands.


Pros & Cons of Using Essential Oils for Mature Skin




  • You DON’T have to spend time creating the product (salves, balms, DIY creams, etc etc). Just JUST add the drops to your favorite moisturiser and you’re DONE.
  • As long as you keep to the recommended amount (at 1% or less) the oils can last you a long time! (check expiry dates)




  • Some oils are on the expensive side (just choose cheaper ones if price is a problem).
  • If you’re not a lover of essential oils scents then this is NOT FOR YOU.


How to Know Which One to Use?


I’ll help you. All the oils will be wonderful for your mature skin and can help the anti aging process. Here are a few points you could consider that might help you choose the oil for you:


This is how I would do it:


CHOOSE BY PRICE POINT. Palmarosa will always be cheaper than any absolute. Always. And when I say cheaper I mean A LOT cheaper. You can start by chucking on the side the ones you can/cannot afford.


CHOOSE BY SCENT. Spices will have a deeper, more grounding but also more velvety scent than florals which are always lighter and more vibrant. You might hate lavender’s scent and totally love the exotic and arousing Ylang-ylang. How to know if you’ve never smelled them before? Well, go by your personality. If you hate strong scents, patchouli is NOT for you! They will all have a particular scent so you will have to make a compromise. If it helps, the scent does go after a while (these oils are volatile oils).


CHOOSE BY FEELING, CONNECTION or just A HUNCH. This is another way of choosing your oil. Essential oils are plant’s most secret weapon so think about the plant the essential oil comes from. Which one ‘speaks’ to you? Are you an elegant rose or a sparky chamomile flower? Do you feel a sacred, spiritual or deep connection with oriental spices or are you more of an exotic ylang-ylang? (from Philippines).


My choice? I can tell you already:


I’m a FRANKINSENCE girl!! Great price, organic, great scent (not too strong or deep but just enough for me), GREAT GREAT GREAT for mature skin. If you don’t believe me, Neal’s Yard Remedies has 3 ENTIRE ANTIAGE COLLECTIONS (Intense, Intense Lift & Rejuvenating) using this amazing essential oil!! And, yes, I do use it in all of my anti aging skincare. It is a resin, by the way. Which I also connect with.


A Little More on Each


Ok, I suppose you’d like to know a little more about each… See below.


1. Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia carterii)


My favorite! Tones skin, invigorates complexion, this is an essential oil FANTASTIC for aging skin and sun damaged skin. It closes pores and has REJUVENATING QUALITIES. Minimizes wrinkles as well as fine lines. It also reduces the appearance of blemishes. Tones, closes pores, rejuvenates. A great oil for spiritual connection as well. An excellent choice for mature skin!




Ideal for aging skin that’s showing blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles.




  1. As a toner. Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice to 6 tablespoons of water and add 4 drops of frankincense.
  2. Add up to 1% to your favorite moisturizer (day or night) or make your own facial oil by mixing up to 1% with your favorite carrier oil (my choices: for an inexpensive oil high in palmitoleic acid go for macadamia which is a GREAT choice for mature skin. For a high-end option or if you have sensitive skin, rosehip seed oil would be my choice.)




Non-toxic, non-irritant when diluted.


2. Ylang-ylang Essential OIl (Cananga odorata)


Potent odour!! Might not be for everyone. I particularly LOVE it but some people tell me they don’t. This is an exotic essential oil with a strong floral scent (it can help with anxiety as well). Suitable for all skin types able to tone and balance the skin improving its structure, adds a youthful glow to the complexion and improves the appearance of sagging or tired skin. Effective for acne-prone type of skin.




Ideal for mature skin on the oilier side.




  1. As a toner for oily or acne-prone mature skin: Mix 2 teaspoons of witch hazel and 3 tablespoons of distilled water. To the mix add 1 or 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Dab onto skin using a cotton ball.
  2. Add up to 1% to your favorite moisturizer (day or night) or make your own facial oil by mixing up to 1% with your favorite carrier oil (my choices: for an inexpensive oil high in palmitoleic acid go for macadamia which is a GREAT choice for mature skin. For a high-end option or if you have sensitive skin, rosehip seed oil would be my choice.)




Non-toxic and non-irritant.


3. Neroli Essential Oil (Citrus aurantium)


This is not a cheap oil, I’m warning you. The essential oil is extracted from the blossom of the Seville orange tree. It is a great oil for treating anxiety and depression. I love the scent, intense, light, refreshing. Simply beautiful. I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t like this simple yet perfect light fragrance. Neroli essential oil can tone and hydrate the skin by balancing moisture levels and helps reduce the fine lines from dehydrated skin.




Luxurious essential oil. Ideal for fine skin and people with fine lines caused by dehydration.




  1. As a spritz: Make a facial spray by combining 2 teaspoons of aloe vera juice with 6 tablespoons of water. Add 3 or 4 drops or neroli essential oil and dab onto skin using a cotton ball.
  2. Add up to 1% to your favorite moisturizer (day or night) or make your own facial oil by mixing up to 1% with your favorite carrier oil (my choices: for an inexpensive oil high in palmitoleic acid go for macadamia which is a GREAT choice for mature skin. For a high-end option or if you have sensitive skin, rosehip seed oil would be my choice.)




Non-toxic and non-irritant.


4. Palmarosa Essential Oil (Cymbopogon martinii)


With hints of rose, Palmarosa actually comes from a wild grass which is native from India. It has a balancing action on the skin and I use it in a lot of my DIY skincare. It rejuvenates mature and tired skin, helps reduce the appearance of winkles and fine lines, can tone sagging skin, helps control sebum production, brightens complexion, improves the appearance of stretch marks and scar tissue, regenerates cells, keeps skin elastic and supple, ideal also for oily skin and it also hydrates dry skin. A wonderful and really all-rounder essential oil in my opinion. I also love the way it smells.




Ideal for those with ‘tired’, dull or sagging skin or people with scar tissue, dry skin or oily skin.




  1. As a toner: Add 2 to 4 drops to 2 tablespoons witch hazel or a light lotion. Dab onto skin using a cotton ball.
  2. Add up to 1% to your favorite moisturizer (day or night) or make your own facial oil by mixing up to 1% with your favorite carrier oil (my choices: for an inexpensive oil high in palmitoleic acid go for macadamia which is a GREAT choice for mature skin. For a high-end option or if you have sensitive skin, rosehip seed oil would be my choice.)




Non-toxic and non-irritant in dilution.


5. Jasmine Essential Oil (Jasminium officinale)


Another costly oil – I’m so tight fisted with these lol! Its intoxicating aroma is well prized by perfumers around the world. Jasmine essential oil has a reputation as an aphrodisiac for a good reason. It can calm and sooth sensitive or inflamed skin. This oil is naturally toning and can improve skin elasticity. It can also help scars when used regularly.




Luxurious essential oil. Ideal for people with sensitive or inflamed skin. Good for scars.




  1. As a toner: Make a solution by adding 2 or 3 drops of jasmine essential oil to 1 tsp of glycerin or witch hazel. Add some water. Soak a bit of cotton wool into this solution and apply to skin.
  2. Add up to 1% to your favorite moisturizer (day or night) or make your own facial oil by mixing up to 1% with your favorite carrier oil (my choices: for an inexpensive oil high in palmitoleic acid go for macadamia which is a GREAT choice for mature skin. For a high-end option or if you have sensitive skin, rosehip seed oil would be my choice.)




Non-toxic and non-irritant.

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