After Using This Ingredient You’ll Never Use Any lipstick. Your Lips Will Look Naturally Pink.

 The most important component in a woman’s make-up kit is probably the lipstick. No make-up kit is complete without one (or many, considering the different shades and brands). They no doubt add beauty to your pout.


But, at what cost? Lipsticks come with some unavoidable side-effects, thanks to its manufacturing materials. Women wear lipstick when they leave home and continue wearing it all day long sometimes even to bed.


Many lipsticks contain lead, which is extremely harmful and causes irreversible health damage. They cause allergy, irritation, and chapping on the lips and the surrounding skin. Certain harmful chemicals and heavy metals can also cause cancer, darkening of the skin robing off the true nature and color of the lips.


Experts in the beauty world as this to say “Lipsticks contain harmful heavy metals like cadmium, magnesium and chromium. All these metals can cause dangerous diseases and organ damage. Extremely high amounts of cadmium can increase the risk of renal failure.


Frequent application of lipstick can cause severe stomach tumours because we ingest most of it when eating or sipping on some liquids” Doctor Moses a Dermatologist in Garki Hospital Abuja as this to say “if you find that your lips simply won’t heal, there may be an underlying condition to blame and you should see a doctor.


Chapped lips can get infected, as bacteria can enter through cracks and abrasions. This is known as cheilitis and must be treated by a doctor.


We all suffer from dry, chapped lips at some point. And in most cases, careful attention and prevention are the keys to getting your lips looking and feeling better”.


Natural home remedy might be the key to the eradication of dry chapped bruised lips to dark lips and the take is that it is safe, effective and reliable. So use this safe remedy as long as needed to achieve the result you want. Let’s say no to harmful chemicals and Yes to Nature.


Step 1 – First remove a dark layer from your lips by using this homemade scrub.


This is an incredible homemade scrub which will help you to remove the dead skin from your lip.


Things you need


  • Coconut oil- 1 tsp
  • Salt- 1 tsp




  1. Take a small bowl and add 1 tsp each of coconut oil and sea salt to it.
  2. Mix it well and dab it on your lips using a cotton ball.
  3. Using your fingertips gently massage you lips for a minute to remove the dark layer.
  4. Your lips will instantly become smooth and soft.
  5. Wash them with water and gently pat them dry.


Step 2 – Use this homemade lip balm 3-4 times a day


The homemade lip balm will help you to keep your lips hydrated all the time. It will enhance the color of your lip and make them look shiny.


Things you need


  • Olive oil- 1 tbsp
  • Coconut oil- 1 tbsp
  • Honey- ¾ tsp




  1. Take a small bowl and add 1 tbsp each of olive oil and coconut oil to it.
  2. Make it a little warm so that both oils will be in liquid form and will get mixed properly.
  3. Lastly, add ¾ tsp of honey to it and mix it well.
  4. Store it in a glass jar in your refrigerator and use it 3-4 times a day whenever you feel the lips become dry.


Step 3 – Night lip balm


This is the final step of your beautiful lip routine. All you have to do is take 1 vitamin E capsule, open it properly and apply the solution on your lips before you hit the bed.


Use this beauty routine for 1 week and you will find the miraculous change in the way your lips look. You will not find any need to apply lipstick every day as your lips will naturally look pink and shiny.


This simple 3 step trick will make your lip attractive and irresistible. This is not just for the ladies but also for Gents.

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